What is a vasectomy?
It is a method of birth control for men. In this method, the sperm ducts that exit the testes are cut and tied. After this procedure, there will be no sperm in the man's semen.
Does a vasectomy affect erection and orgasm?
Vasectomy has no negative effects on sexuality. Less than 1% of the semen released during ejaculation comes from the sperm produced by the testes. Therefore, even after the procedure, there is no significant decrease in the volume of semen.
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How is a vasectomy performed?
It can be performed in a clinic setting under local anesthesia in less than 30 minutes.
Does contraceptive protection begin immediately after the procedure?
No. The sperm produced and stored before a vasectomy can still be present in the semen for up to 3 months. Therefore, birth control methods should be used for an additional 3 months after the procedure.
What can be done if someone wants to have children after a vasectomy?
The severed and ligated sperm ducts can be reconnected under a microscope to restore sperm flow. Unfortunately, this procedure does not have a 100% success rate. If sperm flow cannot be restored, sperm obtained through TESA or PESA procedures can be used for IVF.