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What is an undescended testis?

The testes are located inside the abdomen before birth and enter the inguinal canal near birth, passing through the external opening of the inguinal canal to complete their descent into the scrotum. In some children, the descent of the testes into the scrotum is not completed before birth, and the testes remain in the abdomen or inguinal canal. This condition can occur in one or both testes.

How often does an undescended testis occur?

It is more common in premature babies, but it can be seen in 1 to 5 out of every 100 full-term babies.

When should the treatment for undescended testis be done?

In babies born with undescended testis, the testis may descend into the scrotum on its own within the first 6 months. Therefore, the child is monitored during the first 6 months. If the testis has not descended into the scrotum by the end of 6 months, treatment is necessary.

What problems can arise if an undescended testis is not treated?

In untreated children, the likelihood of infertility and testicular cancer later in life increases.

Can the risks be completely eliminated with the treatment of an undescended testis?

The likelihood of the testis reaching normal size after surgery is much higher in those who have the testis descended in the first 6 months compared to those who undergo surgery later. In children who receive early treatment for an undescended testis, the risk of infertility and testicular cancer is reduced.

How is the treatment of an undescended testis performed?

The treatment for an undescended testis is performed through medication or surgery. In medication treatment, testosterone (male hormone) is given to stimulate the testis to move along the descent pathway and complete its descent into the scrotum. However, this hormone treatment is not highly recommended as it may cause some future dysfunctions in the testis.

The second and more successful treatment method is surgery to bring the testis down into the scrotum. During surgery, the undescended testis is located, separated from the surrounding tissues, and moved into the scrotum. This surgery is called orchiopexy. The success rate of the surgery is above 90%.

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