How many types of premature ejaculation are there?
What is the treatment for premature ejaculation?
What is premature ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation (PE) is the most common ejaculation problem. It affects approximately one in five men between the ages of 18 and 70. In Turkey, about one in three men experience premature ejaculation.
It is defined as ejaculation that occurs either always or almost always before or within one minute after the penetration of the male organ into the female genital organ. It is characterized by the inability of the man to delay ejaculation in every or nearly every sexual encounter.
There are two types: lifelong and acquired. Acquired premature ejaculation can be caused by various psychological factors, prostatitis, and hormonal disorders.
The treatment is divided into two categories: medications that need to be taken continuously and those used before intercourse.
Medications taken continuously: Some medications used for depression have the side effect of delaying ejaculation, so these types of drugs are used in the treatment of premature ejaculation. These medications do not have a permanent effect, meaning that when the medication is stopped, the condition will return to its previous state.
Medications used before intercourse: This group includes pills and creams. The medications applied to the penis are local anesthetics, which numb the skin of the penis.
The oral medication can be described as a type of short-acting antidepressant. Its effect lasts for 6-8 hours.
Local anesthetic creams can be used alongside other medications.
Continuous medication should not be taken with nightly pills.
As of today, a permanent treatment with medications has not yet been found. There are various exercises to help control ejaculation. The common principle behind these exercises is to stop the intercourse just before ejaculation and then restart. This process can be repeated to gradually extend the duration of ejaculation permanently.